Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day: A Christmas Story

"If you're a fan of Christmas movies or films that use nostalgia as a driver, A Christmas Story cannot be missed.  Then again, if you're in either category, you have probably already seen it." - James Berardinelli, ReelViews

I don't have a whole lot to say about A Christmas Story that everyone doesn't already know.  This 1983 classic isn't just a Christmas movie; it also contains an abundance of memories and family traditions.  I guarantee anyone who has seen this film (who hasn't?) has some sort of special story involving it in some way.  Whether it be watching on Christmas Day or remembering someone who enjoyed it.  There's a little something for everyone.

The film started out as a sleeper during its theatrical run but eventually became what it is known as today; a classic.  For those of you who are not familiar with the term "sleeper," it's when a movie doesn't meet the standards of what the studio predicted at the box office, but via word of mouth the film's popularity grows and it becomes a financial success.  However, I don't think anyone expected the film to become what it is today.  


As this blog comes to an end I want to thank everyone who's been reading, it means a lot to me.  A few years ago I never saw myself doing this and I am very grateful to actually have an audience.  Without your support I wouldn't have the motivation to be consistent with my entries.  I would eventually like to create a blog of watching movies of all kinds and when that time comes I hope you continue to read.  Thanks again! I'm going to go see Django Unchained now.

Merry Christmas!

- Colby.

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